Michael Johansson
Some Assembly Required – Crescent scale 1:1, 2007
‘As a child I was fascinated by building models. I remember breaking off the pieces from the surrounding plastic sticks that were leftover from the casting process and subsequently gluing the pieces back together in the right order by following the instruction manual. A real bicycle is turned back into a space of imagination’.
Toys ‘r’ us – dinghy scale 1:1, 2006
‘A boat and related equipment are joined together in a welded metal frame. everything is painted in a unifying plastic layer to resemble the surface of a model kit. the real boat is transformed into a model of itself, and its original purpose has given way to something else’. Michael Johansson also made other household equipment like a bed, hairdryer and lawn mower. He even made a diving suit!
Some Assembly Required – Hard Hat Diving, 2011
This DIY art makes me think of the DIY trophies of ply beech wood from the designers of Big-Game.
But they also exist in the regular urban design jungle as cardboard models.